Category Archives: Events

Fail Festival is an endless movement to talk honestly about failure in philanthropy and development.

Fail Festivals are crash and burn parties around the world to celebrate failure as a mark of leadership, innovation, and risk-taking in pushing the boundaries of what is possible in scaling ideas from pilots to global programs.

Here are a few of our more famous public events.

You can organize your own Fail Festival, or get professional help to curate a great Fail Festival at your next event.

Fail Faire DC 2012

Fail Faire DC was back for another year of celebrating failure as a mark of innovation and risk-taking. We had have great speakers with fun, fast, Ignite-style presentations of their professional failures.

Audience participation was not only encouraged, it was mandatory! We are all peers and none of us is perfect. We had much laughter as we navel-gazed at where we have all gone wrong in ICT and international development.
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Fail Faire UK 2012


Fail Faire UK 2012 was a real celebration of failure as a mark of innovation and risk-taking in international development. We had great speakers with fun, fast, Ignite-style presentations of their professional failures. Audience participation was not only encouraged, it was mandatory!

We are all peers and none of us is perfect. We had much laughter as we navel-gazed at where we have all gone wrong in ICT and international development.
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